Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feeding the Baby Calves/Getting Ready for our Baby

Last week we finally had some nice weather; well, I say nice, but it wasn't really. It was very hot and humid, but it was at least it was weather you could go outside in...the mornings were definitely the most enjoyable time of day! We seriously went from winter to summer here and completely skipped over poor child still insists she needs a coat to go outside...who can blame her though, she has been used to bundling up since October and now we have this?! It's awful, but at least we can get out of the house more! So, last week we spent a lot of time exploring the dairy and Kennedy's favorite part is always the baby calves. One afternoon I gave her an empty bottle and she was pretending to feed is a funny....

Later that day we spent some time getting ready for our the bassinet out, washed pacis and bottles, got the car seat ready to go, etc. Here's a picture of Kennedy helping...she is obsessed with being in the car seat and bassinet and using the baby's pacifiers :-).

I can't believe it wasn't that long ago that this car seat swallowed her up and she needed an extra insert just to help her stay upright!!

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